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Picture of Kate McCombe

Kate McCombe

Head of Engagement

AEP Webinar

Creating capacity in Alternative Education Provision (AEP) with Tute

In a series of 3 webinars Tute is exploring the current challenges being faced in AEP and how these are being overcome by using online learning to create much needed capacity. 

Last year, education professionals from across the UK participated in our AEP survey and joined our focus groups to share their experiences of providing and commissioning AEP, post-Covid. In our first webinar, we shared our research findings alongside national data that clearly illustrates demand for AP is rising rapidly and outstripping the availability of places in registered provision. There’s no doubt that additional capacity is needed. 

We were joined by Susanna Mackie and Sarah Simpson from Surrey Online School, a local authority level resource that meets the needs of over 400 students and delivers over 7,000 online lessons each year. Susanna and Sarah explained how Tute has enabled them to deliver a scalable and sustainable offer to their local schools and provide education opportunities for children and young people that would otherwise not have been possible. 

In webinar two we will explore how some schools are responding proactively to a lack of locally available AEP by creating their own solutions. We will be joined by assistant head, Donna Edwards, who will share Rhosnesni High School’s experience of using Tute to create the AEP capacity they need. 

Click here to find out more and register to join us at 4pm on the 9th of February for the next available webinar 

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