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Tute for

Combining expert teaching with our advanced online learning platform to ensure that any student, anywhere has access to high-quality education. 

Tute Education has been working in partnership with non-mainstream settings in England and Wales for over 12 years. We partner with hundreds of schools, providing learning solutions that meet the needs of each individual setting and their students. We package our lessons into different curriculums that provide flexibility, suit different priorities, and work for varying budgets. We can deliver a solution that meets your needs and your students, whatever their circumstances.

We can...

  • Help reduce waiting lists by increasing capacity so more students can access the education they need without delay
  • Provide subject-specific teaching support by delivering curriculum-aligned lessons in areas where teaching resources are limited
  • Offer flexible, scalable solutions that adapt to short-term or long-term needs, ensuring consistent student engagement
  • Support students to achieve qualifications like GCSEs and Functional Skills across a range of subjects and awarding bodies
  • Deliver targeted interventions with one-to-one tuition or small group sessions to meet specific learning needs
  • Work with all types of non-mainstream settings including state-funded, private, non-registered, and voluntary provision

Students currently learning with Tute

We put the student at the heart of everything we do and empower them to learn in a safe and secure online environment, with qualified teachers in live lessons. Labels might lead students to Tute, but we see beyond them here.

All are welcome.

Learn more
  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Child Looked After (CLA)
  • Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)
  • Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP)
  • Free School Meals (FSM)
  • Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT)
  • Medical needs
  • Most Able and Talented (MAT)
  • Permanently excluded and at risk of exclusion (PEX)
  • Pupil Premium (PP)
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH)
  • Young offenders
  • Teenage parents
  • Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC)

Student voice

Recommended by students

Students love learning with Tute (don’t just take our word for it, see what our students think).

98% of students said that they felt safe in their Tute lessons

96% of students said that they felt their answers were valued in Tute lessons

95% of students said that they liked their teachers with Tute

92% of students said that the feedback they received in lessons was valuable

90% of students said that they enjoy learning with Tute

85% of students said that they felt learning online with Tute was good or better than learning in a classroom

I’m looking for...

  • Alternative provision
  • Qualifications
  • Intervention
  • ESOL
Virtual School KS3 Courses GCSE Courses Tute Go Learning Programmes
Length of provision Short- medium Medium- Long term Medium- Long term Short, medium, or long term Short, medium, or long term
Key stages KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4 KS3 KS4 KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4 KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4
Subjects Core + more Core + more 19+ 30+ 30+
Content National curriculum
Tute chooses*
National curriculum
Tute chooses*
Exam boards
Tute choose*
Tute curriculum menu
You choose
You choose
Students (<12) Students from different partners Students from different partners Students from different partners Your students only Your students only
Timetable Tute sets Tute sets Tute sets You set You set
Formal assessment No Yes Yes Yes (when required) Yes (when required)
Progress reports No Yes Yes No No
Cost £12.50 £16 £16 £95 (£55*) £120
Pay profile Per student, per lesson Per student, per lesson Per student, per lesson Per group, per lesson *1:1 Per group, per lesson *1:1
Functional Skills Courses GCSE courses A Level Courses
Key stages KS4 | KS5 KS4 KS5
Subjects English and maths 19+ 15+
Content Exam boards
Tute chooses
Exam boards
Tute chooses
Exam boards
You choose
Students (<12) Students from different partners Students from different partners Your students only
Timetable Tute sets Tute sets You set
Formal assessment Yes Yes Yes
Progress reports Yes Yes Yes
Cost £16 £16 Get in touch
Pay profile Per student, per lesson Per student, per lesson Per student, per course
Tute Go Learning Programmes
Key stages KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4 KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4
Subjects 30+ 30+
Content Tute curriculum menu
You choose
You choose
Students (<12) Your students only Your students only
Timetable You set You set
Formal assessment Yes (when required) Yes (when required)
Progress reports No No
Cost £95 (£55*) £120
Pay profile Per group, per lesson *1:1 Per group, per lesson *1:1
ESOL Virtual School ESOL Tute Go
Suitable for Secondary to 16+ Primary to 16+
Level Beginners | English Pre-entry | English Entry 1 | English Entry 2 | English Entry 3 Beginners | English Pre-entry | English Entry 1 | English Entry 2 | English Entry 3
Subjects ESOL | Everyday English for ESOL students ESOL | Maths for ESOL students | Citizenship for ESOL students | SMSC for ESOL students
Content Tute chooses Tute curriculum menu
You choose
Students (<10) Students from different partners Your students only
Timetable Tute sets You set (subject to availability)
Pre-assessment No Yes
Formal assessment No Yes
Progress reports No No
Cost £12.50 £95 (£55*)
Pay profile Per student, per lesson Per group, per lesson *1:1

Our partners

Brownhill learning community
Bull care services
Chessbrook education support centre
Dacorum education support centre
Newbury school
Prism independent school
The emscote school
The Westminster school
West Sussex alternative provision college

Our service at a glance

Delivering quality and support

Fill critical gaps in education

We fill gaps in education, enabling any child, anywhere, to reach their real potential. 

Deliver live online lessons

Our qualified teachers deliver live online lessons in a purpose-built, safeguarded online classroom.

Provide flexible curriculums

Our lessons are packaged into curriculums to meet the diverse needs, priorities, and budgets of education settings. 

Support partners

Our dedicated partnership team takes care of the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to, ensuring seamless collaboration and operational efficiency. 

Nurture students

We provide extensive support to nurture students' wellbeing and academic progression, helping them thrive.

Engage parents

We keep parents well-informed and actively engaged in their child's learning journey, offering support whenever needed.

Facilitate rapid enrolment

Understanding the importance of speed in education, we guarantee enrolment within 48 hours, often within 24.

Ensure quality

Our dedicated in-house quality team safeguards and quality assures learning, delivering a consistently high-quality education.

Achieve outcomes

We help settings meet statutory obligations and support students in achieving attendance, engagement, transition, and/or qualifications.

Getting started

No contracts, no commitments, and no upfront payment. With a fast 48-hour turnaround, you’ll have immediate support and be ready to provide your students with the education they deserve.

Enrol now

Get in touch

Contact us to schedule a free taster lesson or consultation with our team. 


Consultation call

We’ll discuss your specific needs, help you choose the right curriculum, and set up a solution that works for your students and budget. 


Get access to the platform

We’ll send you a platform invitation, along with login credentials for your team, students, and parents, giving you access to progress, engagement, and attendance reports.


Conduct an IT test

We’ll run an IT test to ensure students can access their lessons without issues before they begin.


Ready to start

Once everything is set up, your students can begin their lessons, and you’ll have full visibility of their learning.

Student onboarding

Once students have their log in details and timetable, their Tute teacher will explain how the Learning Cloud works, set expectations and then the learning journey begins.

Ongoing account management

We are here to support you, working in partnership with you. Our Partner Success team will manage your account and will set up regular review meetings.


Our pricing and invoicing is straightforward. We will invoice you for what you have used at the end of each half term. There is no contract, no upfront financial commitment and no complex fee structure. You can see our pricing options here.

Our platform

Combining technology with pedagogy to deliver high-quality education to any child, anywhere

Our platform, crafted from extensive feedback from our partners, is specifically designed to bring our expert teaching to life. Unlike repurposed meeting tools, our platform is purpose-built for online learning, providing bespoke curriculums and comprehensive education provision.

Our curriculums and solutions

Key stages 1-5

Key stages 1-5

We offer a rich, inclusive curriculum that supports progression pathways for all students, long-term or short-term.

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Alternative provision

Alternative provision

Reliable solutions for students unable to attend mainstream schools, ensuring they learn on par with their peers.

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Pathways to qualifications in 30+ subjects at Level 1/2, GCSE, and A Level, providing alternative provision, extra capacity and/or subject specialism.

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Essential English lessons for speakers of other languages, for under-16s and adults, focusing on real-life speaking and listening skills.

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Bespoke learning programmes for revision, tuition, reintegration, and more, tailored to meet specific needs and objectives.

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Flexible curriculums catering to various needs, budgets, and priorities, offering both short-term and long-term solutions.

Learn more


  • Getting started with Tute (NM)
  • How do lessons work?
  • Attendance and progression
Do firewalls cause issues with accessing Tute lessons?

Our IT team will be in contact with your named IT contact once the booking forms have been submitted for your schoolOnce the Network Manager / 3rd Party company / LA have configured their firewalls as per our technical requirements, the test itself just involves somebody mimicking the student journey. They need to access their school network as one of their students would (student network / PC log in) and ideally be in the exact location Tute lessons will be accessed from, ideally using the same equipment (device & headset) that a student would for Tute.  

How can I enrol my student(s) with Tute?

Enrolling students is very straightforward and we can normally get a student set up within 48 hours for shared provision and within 10 days for private provision. It can take a little longer at exceptionally busy times.  

If you are new to Tute Education then simply get in touch with our onboarding team. They will talk you through the options and send you all the information you need to register and get started. You can get in touch with them here.  

If you are an existing Tute Education partner you can access the Partner Hub which has all the information you need.  

How do I know which curriculum solution is best for students?

We work in partnership with non-mainstreams. Our consultative, collaborative approach and dedicated team supports and empowers all our partners to enable meaningful student outcomes. 

If you are new to Tute, the best way to find the right solution for is to speak with our onboarding team. They will discuss the needs and challenges faced by individual students or groups of students and then we can recommend the Curriculum that is right for your students, and your budget. To book a call with the onboarding team click here 

If you are an existing Tute partner then your account manager will be happy to give you support and guidance. You can find your account manager here: (We might want to list out the areas for our AM in the team section? 

How long does a booking take to process?

The length of time it takes to process a booking will depend on the type of provision you are booking.   

Shared provision: Students can be enrolled into Shared lessons within 24-48 hours of us receiving your completed booking form.   

Private provision: we aim to set private provision within 10 days, but bookings can be processed quicker or slower depending on the size of the booking that you make and the time slots you wish to have.   

What equipment is needed?

Students need a device to access their Tute lessons. Our students access their lessons via laptops, tablets and sometimes on their phones too. Ideally students will also have headphones to ensure they aren’t interrupted or distracted during their lessons.  

When will I receive confirmation of lessons starting?

Details on how to log in will be emailed. Students will keep their login details throughout their time with us at Tute.  

Are group lessons effective?

Students learn in small groups at school, and often love interacting with peers. Research from a small-scale trial at Durham University found a positive effect for Tute lessons compared to students not taking Tute lessons. 

Research undertaken by Doctoral candidates at the University of Chester showed that 90% of students would recommend Tute to others, and that 88% feel that they learn new things. 

Do students access Tute Education from school or home?

Students can access Tute Education from anywhere. 93% of our students access their online lessons from home but we also have cohorts of students who access their lessons whilst they are at school.  

Do students use webcams in lessons?

No. Our teachers use webcams and are visible to our students, but we ask that students keep their webcam switched off. Students cannot be seen by our teacher, or by one another

Do you offer 1:1 lessons?

Yes, you can book our private provision if you wish to arrange 1:1 lessons for a student.  

How do you know it is my student and not someone else?

All Tute students should be supervised by an appropriate adult at the location they are joining our lessons from. Whilst we uphold rigorous safeguarding standards in our online environment, we cannot be responsible for the physical safety of students and responsibility for this lies with the commissioner.  

How safe are group lessons?

Safeguarding of students is of paramount importance and everyone at Tute is DBS checked and signed up to the updates service. Additionally, all of our lessons are recorded to provide an additional level of protection. Student’s do not turn on their cameras, but the teachers will always have their camera on so that students can see and engage with their teacher.  The platform includes profanity filters and personal details (like email/phone numbers) cannot be exchanged between students.  

96% of pupils feel safe in Tute lessons according to feedback. 

You can read more about our Safeguarding policy here 

What is the difference between shared and private provision?

Shared provision is when your students attend lessons with students from other education settings. There is a maximum of 12 students within shared provision.  

Private provision can be commissioned and can either provide 1:1 lessons or a private classroom for a group of students from one education setting.   

How can I access attendance and progress information?

Teachers will update the progress tracker for their groups within 24 hours of the lesson having taken place.  You can log into your account to review attendance, engagement and progress.  

Your account manager will set up regular review meetings with you too but if you have any queries you can contact them at any point.   

How do I know if my student has attended their lessons?

You will be notified if a student has not arrived for their lesson, or is late for their lesson.  

What happens if my student is finding their lessons too easy or too difficult? 

Our teachers continually assess how students are getting on. If they feel a student would benefit from moving to a different group or level they will pass this information onto you for discussion.  

Try Tute for free

We know that choosing online provision can feel like a big step, so experiencing it first is important - both for students and for you. There’s no commitment, no obligation, just a chance to see how Tute works.

Book a free taster lesson for students, join a session yourself, or arrange a consultation to ask any questions. Simply fill in this form, and we’ll be in touch.