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Your trusted DPS-approved partner for quality alternative provision

No contract, no upfront payment – just flexibility and quality.

Choosing Tute Education means choosing a partner dedicated to providing flexible, reliable, and high-quality online education solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of every student and school.

As an approved provider on your Local Authority’s Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) framework, we’re pre-vetted for excellence in teaching, safeguarding, and compliance. Whether you need immediate support within 48 hours or long-term provision, our solutions are designed to deliver real results for your students.

As your dedicated partner, we can...

  • Prevent exclusions by delivering on-site alternative provision that keeps students engaged in structured, curriculum-aligned learning
  • Support reintegration by offering flexible, hybrid solutions that transition students back into mainstream education seamlessly
  • Deliver targeted interventions, such as one-to-one tuition, small group sessions, and GCSE revision programmes to help students catch up and stay on track
  • Provide access to qualifications, including GCSEs and A-levels, across a wide range of subjects and awarding bodies
  • Ensure continuity of education with immediate short-term alternative provision, available within 48 hours
  • Save schools money by providing alternative provision without the need for additional on-site teaching staff

Learn why we are a partner, not provider

Book a free consultation today

At Tute, we believe in working together. Our consultative and collaborative approach allows us to understand your school’s unique challenges and find the best solutions that truly support your needs and your students’. Together, we can work toward a better, more inclusive education system.

Students currently learning with Tute

We put the student at the heart of everything we do and empower them to learn in a safe and secure online environment, with qualified teachers in live lessons. Labels might lead students to Tute, but we see beyond them here.

All are welcome.

Discover how we can support your students
  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Child Looked After (CLA)
  • Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)
  • Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP)
  • Free School Meals (FSM)
  • Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT)
  • Medical needs
  • Most Able and Talented (MAT)
  • Permanently excluded and at risk of exclusion (PEX)
  • Pupil Premium (PP)
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH)
  • Young offenders
  • Teenage parents
  • Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC)

Our service at a glance

Delivering quality and support

Fill critical gaps in education

We fill gaps in education, enabling any child, anywhere, to reach their real potential. 

Deliver live online lessons

Our qualified teachers deliver live online lessons in a purpose-built, safeguarded online classroom.

Provide flexible curriculums

Our lessons are packaged into curriculums to meet the diverse needs, priorities, and budgets of education settings. 

Support partners

Our dedicated partnership team takes care of the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to, ensuring seamless collaboration and operational efficiency. 

Nurture students

We provide extensive support to nurture students' wellbeing and academic progression, helping them thrive.

Engage parents

We keep parents well-informed and actively engaged in their child's learning journey, offering support whenever needed.

Facilitate rapid enrolment

Understanding the importance of speed in education, we guarantee enrolment within 48 hours, often within 24.

Ensure quality

Our dedicated in-house quality team safeguards and quality assures learning, delivering a consistently high-quality education.

Achieve outcomes

We help settings meet statutory obligations and support students in achieving attendance, engagement, transition, and/or qualifications.

Student voice

Recommended by students

Students love learning with Tute (don’t just take our word for it, see what our students think)

97% of students say that they felt safe in Tute

96% of students said that they felt their answers were valued in Tute lessons

95% of students say ’I liked my teacher’

89% of students say that they felt feedback helped them learn

90% of students said that they enjoy learning with Tute

85% of students said that they felt learning online with
Tute was good or better than learning in a classroom

I’m looking for...

  • Alternative provision
  • Qualifications
  • Intervention
  • ESOL
Virtual School KS3 Courses GCSE Courses Tute Go Learning Programmes
Length of provision Short- medium Medium- Long term Medium- Long term Short, medium, or long term Short, medium, or long term
Key stages KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4 KS3 KS4 KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4 KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4
Subjects Core + more Core + more 19+ 30+ 30+
Content National curriculum
Tute chooses*
National curriculum
Tute chooses*
Exam boards
Tute choose*
Tute curriculum menu
You choose
You choose
Students (<12) Students from different partners Students from different partners Students from different partners Your students only Your students only
Timetable Tute sets Tute sets Tute sets You set You set
Formal assessment No Yes Yes Yes (when required) Yes (when required)
Progress reports No Yes Yes No No
Cost £12.50 £16 £16 £95 (£55*) £120
Pay profile Per student, per lesson Per student, per lesson Per student, per lesson Per group, per lesson *1:1 Per group, per lesson *1:1
Functional Skills Courses GCSE courses A Level Courses
Key stages KS4 | KS5 KS4 KS5
Subjects English and maths 19+ 15+
Content Exam boards
Tute chooses
Exam boards
Tute chooses
Exam boards
You choose
Students (<12) Students from different partners Students from different partners Your students only
Timetable Tute sets Tute sets You set
Formal assessment Yes Yes Yes
Progress reports Yes Yes Yes
Cost £16 £16 Get in touch
Pay profile Per student, per lesson Per student, per lesson Per student, per course
Tute Go Learning Programmes
Key stages KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4 KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | KS4
Subjects 30+ 30+
Content Tute curriculum menu
You choose
You choose
Students (<12) Your students only Your students only
Timetable You set You set
Formal assessment Yes (when required) Yes (when required)
Progress reports No No
Cost £95 (£55*) £120
Pay profile Per group, per lesson *1:1 Per group, per lesson *1:1
ESOL Virtual School ESOL Tute Go
Suitable for Secondary to 16+ Primary to 16+
Level Beginners | English Pre-entry | English Entry 1 | English Entry 2 | English Entry 3 Beginners | English Pre-entry | English Entry 1 | English Entry 2 | English Entry 3
Subjects ESOL | Everyday English for ESOL students ESOL | Maths for ESOL students | Citizenship for ESOL students | SMSC for ESOL students
Content Tute chooses Tute curriculum menu
You choose
Students (<10) Students from different partners Your students only
Timetable Tute sets You set (subject to availability)
Pre-assessment No Yes
Formal assessment No Yes
Progress reports No No
Cost £12.50 £95 (£55*)
Pay profile Per student, per lesson Per group, per lesson *1:1

Getting started as a partner:

No contracts, no commitments, and no upfront payment. With a fast 48-hour turnaround, you’ll have immediate support and be ready to provide your students with the education they deserve.

Get started

Get in touch

Contact us to schedule a free taster lesson or consultation with our team. 


Consultation call

We’ll discuss your specific needs, help you choose the right curriculum, and set up a solution that works for your students and budget. 


Get access to the platform

We’ll send you a platform invitation, along with login credentials for your team, students, and parents, giving you access to progress, engagement, and attendance reports. 


Conduct an IT test

We’ll run an IT test to ensure students can access their lessons without issues before they begin.


Ready to start

Once everything is set up, your students can begin their lessons, and you’ll have full visibility of their learning..

Trusted by 100s of schools

Shireland collegiate academy
Wymondham college
Acle Academy
City academy Norwich
Northgate high school
Penair school
Ramridge primary school
Ridgeway academy
Friern barnet school

Book a free consultation

Ready to explore how Tute can support your school? Schedule a free consultation with our expert team to discuss your needs. We’ll help you identify the right solutions, show you how Tute works, and ensure your students get the support they need—quickly and efficiently.