ESOL Webinar
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Positive about young people

The Emscote School

Emscote PAYP is an independent school based in Warwickshire with the aim of providing Educational and Development support. They work specifically with young people who are experiencing difficulties at mainstream school to stay in education.

As an Independent school, they provide support and work to stop young people being further excluded from school, providing small group intervention for those who require additional support. Emscote accept students who are commissioned to them from schools or the local authority on a short-term basis, as alternative provision. However, as an Independent School they are also able to support students who would benefit from an alternative environment for the long term, joining the school as full-time permanent pupils.

Emscote seeks to provide a safe and secure environment that promotes young people’s’ sense of self-worth. Emscote have 20+years’ experience of working with the most hard to reach and vulnerable young people across Coventry and Warwickshire,within schools and communities. In addition toeducation, they also offer programme that address issues such as anger management, selfesteem, consequences.


How do students rate Tute?

Students were asked to give feedback on their provision via student voice questionnaires. These surveys showed:


of students feel safe in Tute lessons


of students said that online learning with Tute is better or as good as learning in the classroom


of students said they made progress in their lessons

Students said that their lessons had helped them to:

Catch up on learning


Learn something new

Enjoy learning

Students were also asked about their favourite elements of Tute lessons:


of students said that they loved using emojis to set their status within the lesson


of students said they loved using the multi-user whiteboard


of students said they loved talking on the mic


of students said that they loved working with other students


of students rated their progress in lessons as good or excellent


of students rated their own effort in lessons as good or excellent

The Emscote School's perspective

“We sought an experienced teaching partner to help us provide core curriculum tuition, and the flexibility of Tute’s provision
and quality of teachers perfectly suited our needs. Tute’s 45 minute, small-group lessons are a great way for our pupils to ease back into the learning routine. Having the option to not be seen by the teacher on screen is especially useful as it gives students the confidence to engage and focus on their studies.”

Parneet Kang

Principal of The Emscote School

Tute's purpose

The Emscote School Virtual School team work closely with schools to provide that vital educational support for all students. They have partnered with Tute to offer a variety of online learning solutions. The lessons are timetabled to create a structured day and to allow students to continue with their studies, whatever their situation – in school, between schools, too unwell to be in school or other reasons. Emscote School Virtual School team also conduct home visits and offer additional support to the student.

At Key Stage 3 Tute provides a short term flexible online teaching provision with short set up timescales and short term commitment. Online lessons are delivered in English, Maths, Science, Humanities & SMSC with a choice of differentiated programmes mapped to the National Curriculum. Students can be enrolled part way through a half term and are committed to the end of that half term. Provision can be renewed on a half termly basis.

At Key Stage 4 Tute provides lessons for English, Maths and Science GCSEs that are supported by additional face to face mentoring sessions, attendance and safeguarding checks provided by the Emscote Pastoral Team.

Try Tute

We want every student to feel confident in their learning so we'd love to show you how Tute works and why our online lessons are so effective. To arrange a free taster lesson, or to book a consultation, please fill this form.